Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Madonna's latest single has 'jumped' straight to the top of the US Charts for Dance Radio Airplay. Jump is Madonna's fourth #1 hit from Confessions on a Dance Floor.

Don't forget to check out Madonna's appearances tomorrow on the Today Show, Dateline and Live with Regis and Kelly. The appearances are to promote her new children's book, The English Roses:Too Good to be True, but she will no doubt discuss the controversy surrounding the adoption of David as well as the crucifixion segment being cut from her upcoming NBC television special.
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 12:21 PM | link | 0 comments |

Looks like my new little cousin, Lily, is also getting in the Halloween
spirit. Here she is all dressed in her costume and looking too cute for words.
I still haven't figured out her mom and dad's costumes but they are SCARY! ;-P

:: posted by Ray of Delight, 12:07 PM | link | 0 comments |

Monday, October 30, 2006


I just love Halloween and tend to go all out for the occasion. We were quite determined to keep the festive feeling of last week's fab trip to the Haunted Corn Maze and Jo's scary PJ party going. So on Friday night I hosted a FALL BBQ SPOOKTACULAR. Joseph, Brendan, Jeff, Benjie, Marcus, Scott, Stephen, Sara, Charles, Gilles, Kevin and Kyle XY all came by and we fired up the grill for the last time this year. I decorated my apartment and had scary Halloween music and Elvira playing in the background. With the mood set just right we had a delicious BBQ (thanks to the grill master, Jeff) and Brendan's homemade cheesecake was a big hit, despite the lumps of cream cheese!

The original plan was to carve pumpkins after dinner but we were far too interested in drinking our wine, trying on our halloween outfits and discussing our plans for Saturday night. By the time we were done with that it had gotten late and so we just turned off all the lights and cuddled up to watch Pet Semetary - "Daddy, I want to play with youuuuu" - CREEPY!

Thanks to everyone for coming by and to Kyle XY for the pretty flowers!


On Saturday I woke up early and went to the salon to get my make-up done in preparation for a the gay Halloween dance at the Lions Club in Nictaux. After spending a good portion of the day running errands while trying to hide my fake eyelashes and over-the-top make-up behind sun glasses , I met up with everyone at the Hydrostone and we departed for our Halloween Gay-Away in the Valley. Jo and I sang the entire American Life CD as we drove in Polly. We were probably driving poor Gilles crazy who decided to pass the time by speaking some "Frenglish" on the phone to his mom - "Mama mal-a-dit ... line of credit ... voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?"

When we arrived at the Terauds', Bev had homemade chili and cornbread all ready for us. Stephen's parents really are the greatest the way they open their home to us and put up with all of our obnoxious behaviour. I can think of very few mothers who would lay out a selection of purses on the dinner table for her son's 28 year old male friend to choose from. And very few fathers would go around snapping pictures of his son and all his friends as they get dressed up in womens' clothes. Yes indeed, we love the Terauds!

We had a wonderful meal with Bev and Peter before starting to "beautify" for the dance. Getting ready was HILARIOUS! It took us quite some time and I think we all have a new appreciation for what women and drag queens go through. Once we had sewed Bree into her corset, taped our rice paddy breasts in place, applied some last minute make-up and had our pictures taken by the Valley paparazzi, we piled into the van and Peter drove us to Nictaux.

Tops (l-r): Crystal Carrington (Dynasty),
Poc-a-hot-ass, Emily Howard (Little Britain).
Bottoms (l-r): Sophia Petrillo (Golden Girls),
Crack Jem, Paris Hilton, La Reine (Pretty Woman),
and Bree VandeKamp (Desperate Housewives).

Even though doing drag was originally my idea and I was pushing everyone for weeks to get their costumes together, when we actually arrived at the dance I was petrified and started saying, "I want to go home!" This fear grew in intensity when the first several people we saw coming down the stairs were NOT in costume. We all started to think perhaps we had made a big mistake until we got upstairs and recognized the barrage of equally ridiculous costumes surrounding us. It wasn't long before our panic subsided and we were having the time of our lives in our wigs, gowns and 4" heels..

The dance was like a scene from Small Town Gay Bar, and a lot of heads turned as we all walked in. But everyone was very friendly and welcoming and we made plenty of friends throughout the night. Quite a few $3.25 drinks were had by all and so much happened that there's no way I could recap everything in detail. Instead, here are some of the hilarious highlights:

** Our many trips to the women's washroom to fix our make-up and hair
** B
onding with the lesbians of the Valley in the bathroom
** A lesbian walking in on Scott while he had his dress hiked up to pee
** Gilles trying to rip the headdress off his elder
** A photo shoot on the Lions Club floor
** Brendan saying, "Friar Tuck and Robin Hood ... I TOTALLY GET IT!"
** Jeff losing his nail ... ummm ... YA!

** Joseph slow dancing with the locals in order to gain an invite to an after party
** My lipstick on Jeff's ass
** The leather daddies
Jeff attempting to trade costumes with the leather daddies
** Zoobilee Zoo lesbian grandmother

** Brendan's African friend revealing she thinks her Jehovah's Witness husband is gay
** Catfight on the dance floor between me and Marcus (Crystal vs. Paris)
** Catfight in the foyer between me and Marcus (Crystal vs. Paris Part II)
** Scott knocking over the table
** Gilles stealing the Kittens and Ribbons guest book

** Realizing we are stranded in Nictaux and having to get Peter to come pick us up
** Making Peter go back to the Lions Club to get my purse
** Moldavia Massacre
** Lactose intolerant Marcus
** Put your Pizza Corner in my basement
** Do you see what I see?

To check out a slide show of photos from the dance, pray to Jesus by clicking here.


I woke up early on Sunday morning to an all too familiar sound - Brendan telling me he was bored. I attempted to keep him entertained for awhile even though my my eyes were half closed and it wasn't long before the smell of fresh coffee and waffles made its way around the house and woke everyone else up as well. We feasted on our delicious breakfast and told stories of our evening to Bev and Peter. Did we actually go to a gay dance at the Lions Club in Nictaux in DRAG? The remnants of lipstick, nail polish and eye liner told us that we did. After breakfast we lazed around the basement until just before noon when we decided it was time to head home. It was such a picturesque day. Two deer were even playing on the Terauds' land as we got ready to leave ... perfection.

After saying "sorry thanks" to Bev and Peter, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful fall weather and drove the scenic route through the Valley. Mine and Jo's CD of choice this time around was Ray of Light. The colours of the fall leaves and the many fields and orchards were breathtaking. We stopped in Kentville for a photo shoot with the pumpkin people and then dropped Jody off at his house in Wolfville. Joseph and I remarked how many of the towns we passed through were just like movie sets. The drive was as close to a perfect Sunday activity as you could possibly get.


Towards the end of our journey home our caravan of vehicles found its way to Sackville where we stopped for dinner at Mary Brown's. Joseph and I were super excited to introduce everyone to what we know as a Newfoundland delicacy, and were delighted that everyone enjoyed it. Who wouldn't love taters dressing and gravy with a Big Mary!

Unable to make the decision to leave one another, we all reconvened at the Hydrostone to reminisce some more about our weekend and to discuss trombones and various other disturbing things. I remarked how we all had reached a new level of comfort in our friendships. Finally, I told everyone I was sick of looking at them and left for home to see Liebchen and get some rest.

I honestly cannot say enough what a fantastic time I had this weekend, and it would not have been half as much fun had I done it with anyone else. We're already planning our "outfits" for the Christmas dance. Watch out Nictaux!!!

For more stories and photos from our Halloween Gay-Away, visit Glamour Jesus, Hydroblog and Hatchet Lake Ho.

Thanks to Bev and Peter for all their hospitality and putting up with our over-the-top gayness this weekend. A special thanks to Bev for loaning me her mother's fab vintage sequined clutch purse! A special sorry-thanks to Peter for bringing me all the way back to Nictaux at 2 am in the pouring rain with a van full of obnoxious and drunken drag queens to retrieve said purse!

:: posted by Ray of Delight, 9:52 AM | link | 0 comments |

Many miles, many roads I have traveled
Fallen down on the way
Many hearts, many years have unraveled
Leading up to today

I have no regrets
There's nothing to forget
All the pain was worth it
Not running from the past

I tried to do what's best
I know that I deserve it

-- Madonna
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 8:07 AM | link | 0 comments |

Thursday, October 26, 2006


During her interview with Oprah yesterday, Madonna shared some
photos of her family complete with new son, David. He is an absolutely
beautiful baby and looks very happy. But who wouldn't be happy knowing
you get to spend every day of the rest of your life with Madonna as your mom!

:: posted by Ray of Delight, 11:05 AM | link | 0 comments |


:: posted by Ray of Delight, 10:00 AM | link | 1 comments |

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Don't forget to watch Oprah today as Madonna makes a guest appearance via satellite from London. Madonna will discuss her newly adopted son, David and address the firestorm currently surrounding the adoption.
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 4:20 PM | link | 0 comments |

Last night I went to see Marie Antoinette with Joseph, Jeff, Brendan, and Kyle XY. It was an absolutely delicious film, and yes that pun was fully intended. The movie was stunningly visual with breathtaking scenery and the most lavish costume and set designs you've ever seen.

Sophia Coppola's take on France's most famous queen depicted Marie Antoinette as a misunderstood young woman who did the very best she could with a life she did not ask for or really understand. She had riches beyond imagination thrust upon her and because she had no concept of the value of money or the role she was in, she did what any teenager girl would do in her position and lived a life designed by friends, fun and luxury. Think of an 18th century Paris Hilton!

At times the lack of dialogue caused the movie to drag a bit, but considering it was telling the story of a historical figure known for her excessive and decadent life style, it is understandable why the focus was on imagery rather than words. I loved the movie and thought that Kirsten Dunst delivered a phenomenal performance.

Marie Antoinette


Kirsten Dunst

After the movie we went to Joseph's for the Spin Spin Sugar Gala Reception. Scott and Stephen joined us and we ate lots and lots of delicious cake while we sipped on pink champagne. The cakes all looked so wonderful it was hard to not try a bit of everything. By the time we all decided to go home (7:30 according to Joseph's clock) we were all feeling a little sick. Jeff even left a stain on Jo's chair. That'll teach us not to eat five pieces of cake in one sitting!
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 10:45 AM | link | 0 comments |

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


:: posted by Ray of Delight, 10:30 AM | link | 0 comments |

Monday, October 23, 2006


Today is the last day, that I'm using words
They've gone out, lost their meaning
Don't function anymore

Words are useless, especially sentences
They don't stand for anything
How could they explain how I feel

Traveling, traveling, I'm traveling
Traveling, leaving logic and reason
Traveling, traveling, I'm gonna relax
In the arms of unconsciousness

Let's get unconscious honey
Let's get unconscious

And all that you've ever learned
Try to forget
I'll never explain again

-- Madonna
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 12:12 PM | link | 0 comments |

Madonna will talk to Oprah this Wednesday, October 25th, to discuss the controversy surrounding the adoption of her new son, David, from a Malawian orphanage.

She will also appear on the Today show on Monday, October 30th.
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 11:12 AM | link | 0 comments |

From Sara's Newfie-Mexican Night to scary adventures in Truro, to PJ parties at Jo's, to Sunday Jiggs Dinner, it really was one of the best weekends I've had in a very long time. I won't go about regurgitating our Friday and Saturday night adventures as you can see all the pictures and read a perfectly "glamorous" summary by clicking here. Instead I'll tell you about the very enjoyable and productive Sunday I had ...

Peter woke me up just before noon with scrambled eggs and pancakes and shortly after we started in on cleaning the entire apartment. Later in the afternoon we jumped in the car and headed to Sobeys for some grocery shopping (love you car, love you Sunday shopping). Afterwards I dropped Peter off at the apartment to start on dinner while I went to the Rubber Duck to clean the mud left in & on my car from our fun but messy adventure to the Haunted Corn Maze in Truro. I think Polly really enjoyed her first car wash ... I know I did :-)

Later, Andrew and Sara came over for Jiggs Dinner. We were complete gluttons as we filled our plates with mounds of vegetables, chicken, stuffing and peas pudding, and some of us even went back for seconds. Sara and Andrew brought a very nice wine and we listened to the Crowded House tribute album and Dido. For dessert we had ice cream snowballs with toasted coconut and chocolate sauce and some Purity Ginger Cookies that Sara had brought. It really was a lovely meal with very relaxing conversation.

After our company had left, the kitchen was all clean again, and I had my weekly Sunday night chat with my mom and nanny Winnie, Peter and I passed out while watching Dallas.

It certainly was an action-packed few days and I don't have much energy left to start my work week. But the exhaustion is a small price to pay for such a fantastic weekend!

Thanks friends for more great memories. Long time!
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 10:09 AM | link | 0 comments |

Friday, October 20, 2006


The Jim Henson Company are currently developing a feature-film of one of my favourite shows of the 80s, Fraggle Rock! The story has Gobo, Wembley, Mokey, Boober and Red going on an adventure outside of Fraggle Rock where they will interact with those strange creatures from "outer space" also known as humans.

I cannot freakin' wait for this movie!!!
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 3:49 PM | link | 0 comments |