Friday, May 26, 2006


They say it takes 21 days to break a habit and I am currently testing out this claim. For fear of impending varicose veins I have decided I need to stop crossing my legs but I'm having a very difficult time getting over my addiction. I think I am feeling fine when all of a sudden my legs start to twitch and I get all sweaty and nauseated ... next thing I know my legs are crossed and I'm doing a full foot swing under my desk!

I think I'm going to need an intervention. Do they have gay rehab for these sorts of things? If not, I think they should becasue in addition to my own leg crossing addiction, I definitely know people who are addicted to their flat iron and to wearing the collars of their polo shirts up, both of which are SERIOUSLY harmful addictions considering it's no longer 2004!

DAMN ... I just crossed my legs ... I have to go call my sponsor
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 4:03 PM | link | 0 comments |


"When you are put on the spot-drunk-to give a testimonial in a good friend's wedding video, is it wrong to say you first met the groom at Birdland in 1997? And played pool? And bent him over the pool table? And had your way with him? Twice?"

This edition of Random Thoughts by Mandrew was brought to you by Scotiabank - "You're richer than you think!"
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 1:14 PM | link | 0 comments |

Thursday, May 25, 2006


It's been 4 days now since we all returned from our "Gay-Away" in the Valley and I am finally ready to do a little blogging on the experience. I've been feeling somewhat depressed and deflated since we arrived back to civilization, so it's taken some time to gather my thoughts. I've been telling everyone that I feel like someone who was stranded on a desert island and after having been rescued, I'm having a difficult time amalgamating back into society!

It was a relaxing and fun-filled weekend with the most fantastic group of guys you could imagine. We spent our frist night at Bev and Peter's (Stephen's parents) farmhouse in the Valley and then two nights at Trout Lake in their cottage. The weather turned out to be wonderful despite forecasts of gloom that I expected would keep us inside and give us all a nice case of the "shining." But instead, the sun shone almost the entire weekend and all we got was a nice case of the "Bonnie Raitts." Even the little rain we did have on the first night was more than welcomed as we sat in the outdoor hot tub at the farmhouse drinking champagne by a crackling fire as Madonna played in the background ... can you say HEAVEN! Stephen's parents were the best - they fed us a wonderful dinner and breakfast, provided us with robes for our wet and wild adventures, and put up with our loud voices and drunkenness. Stephen's dad even spent extra time getting two fresh flower arrangements ready for us ... now that's a man after a homo's heart! Bev and Peter were just fantastic as was their home ... It was quite a great way to start our weekend.

On Saturday we went to the cottage after a fun trip to the grocery store. The rest of the weekend consisted of sail boats & rock gardens; BBQs; Wally; Harry Potter fires; fashion shows in cottage couture; moulton cakes; drinks (and a lack thereof); Little Britain, Elvira and Drawn Together; MadonnaPod; Danger Bay phone; SCRAM; Can Can Can; dance parties on the roof; Bonnie Raitt; showtime Synergy; Patrick as She-Ra; Poo Jesus (wish we had Holy Jesus); peanut butter cookies that appear as if from no where (thanks Jeff); one time at Jay Wells'; Spiderman kisses; scraping the bowl; tapping the bowl; and a true blue sitcom ending! You really would have had to be there to understand what most of that means, but if you would like a more detailed description with visuals, just click here and pray to Jesus.

Throughout the weekend I wrote down some memorable quotes and I still have not recovered all of the pieces of paper ... lord knows what the clean up crew at that Wendy's will find written on the back of a liquor store receipt! Regardless, here is the best of the best in quotable quotes from the 24th of May Gay-Away:

> "I brought my piano book" ... "Really? I was totally hoping you'd play a song this weekend!"
> "I brought papers ... and I brought some needles too!"
> "No, you have to leave the peel on because the rough edges make it feel
> "I don't recall ordering poo on my face."
> "$8.99 at Old Navy ... it's the new Winners!"
> "One time at Jay Wells'..."
> "Sounds like you got too much stuff on the go Charles."
> "What? You all don't have memory boxes?"
> "Rocky, I didn't know you were a pillow biter."
> "Poo Jesus is like anal sex... it's good as long as you don't smell
... and you might need some ice."
> "P.S. I'm the camp whore, I've been in everyone's back seat!"

:: posted by Ray of Delight, 11:07 AM | link | 3 comments |

Friday, May 19, 2006


My best friend Julie just read my blog for the first time and was very upset that I was not blogging about HER. Well, I want to take this opportunity to apologize in front everyone reading this and say that my lack of "Julie" blogging in no way represents my lack of love for her. And it certainly does not represent that I am not thinking of her ... how the hell could I not be when we chat on MSN for 7 out of 8 hours per work day!

This is for you Jules ...

Only Mac can make you look this good!

Can you guess where Julie is in this pic?

:: posted by Ray of Delight, 3:51 PM | link | 1 comments |


It's now 3:18 p.m. and I am patiently waiting for the work day to end so the "Gay-Away" to the Valley can begin. I'm heading to a cottage for the long weekend with Joseph, Jeff, Marcus, Steven, Scott, Peter, Patrick, Kevin, Charles and possibly Matt, Andrew, Peter and Benjie. Going to be quite the adventurous weekend. Twelve homos in a cottage with only one bathroom! Hell, I'm not sure I'm gay enough to handle 3 days in one space with that many fags. And to top it all off, the weather is supposed to suck all weekend so we may be inside the whole time. I hope I don't get a case of "the shining" and go all "heeeerrrrreeee's daddy," on everone!

It's 3:20 p.m. now so I must honour my daily tradition of digging through my white pearl beaded change purse (given to me by an old woman in Newfoundland who is now dead) for $1.15; heading out to the DNA Cafe and hitting C3 on the vending machine where a delicious Oh Henry bar will become mine. I will then walk back to my desk, neatly cut the wrapper with my scissors and remove the cardboard for easier eating and proceed to consume the entire thing in three bites!
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 3:21 PM | link | 0 comments |


"So after watching Sex and the City all at once (currently on season 6: part two) over 5 months with Sara, I have come to a deduction: SATC is like BEACHES spread over 6 seasons!"

Tune in again for more Random Thoughts by Mandrew, the exciting new series on the Ray of Delight Blog. Sponsored by Kellog's Frosted Flakes - "They're Grrrrreat!"
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 2:38 PM | link | 2 comments |

Thursday, May 18, 2006


:: posted by Ray of Delight, 12:00 PM | link | 0 comments |


So I was having a lovely walk home last night, listening to the soundtrack for "Wicked" on my MadonnaPod when the song, "For Good" came on and all of a sudden a kind of nostalgic sadness hit me about how quickly things are changing around here. The song is about two friends saying good-bye to one another and expressing how important they are in one another's lives. Well, Phil actually gave me the soundtrack and I saw the musical with him and Peter during our trip to New York in 2005. So the sadness hit when I was thinking of Phil moving this August and then about all the other changes that are taking place ...

Life, as it's been for the last three years or so just will not be the same after this summer. Phil is going to McMaster to become a doctor (soooo very proud of him); Darcy is all caught up, working like crazy on his Masters degree and will probably be moving on once he's done; Harold is gone to Vancouver; Jake is in London with his boyfriend; Brendan is off running all over the world; Julie is moving to Calgary in December; and both Peter and I are moving out of Halifax after December as well. Needless to say that the winds of change are blowing in Halifax, and while we are supposed to embrace change, I can't help but be just a little sad that everyone is going their separate ways.

Here are the lyrics that got me thinking about all this sentimental stuff:

It well may be, that we will never meet again
In this lifetime, so let me say before we part
So much of me, is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine by being my friend...

Like a ship blown from its mooring by a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird in a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you ... I have been changed for good.
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 9:09 AM | link | 1 comments |

Monday, May 15, 2006

Don't let the sun go down on me ...

Thank god it's finally warm outside. Two weeks of grey, wet weather had me ready to tear my hair out. Even yesterday's weather was only a big tease. Seeing the sun I put on my short sleeves and sandals, only to get half way to Spring Garden Road and realize I was going to freeze to death before I made it to DQ for a dipped cone! Well, as the saying goes - "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice..." I refused to play mother nature's game this morning, so despite the sun bursting through my window, I put on a long-sleeved shirt and my jacket. I got half way to work and realized I was going to die with the heat! Now that's the kind of defeat I can handle.

I've had my Summer Theme Songs playlist ready on my MadonnaPod (my iPod's nickname) for weeks now, just waiting for a day like today. This warm, sunny weather brings the anticipation of fruity drinks on patios, french fries at lunch time from Staynor's take-out window, party cruises in Halifax harbour and most importantly, hot rickshaw boys - one of whom I saw taking his rickshaw out of ATCAN storage next to my building on my walk back from lunch .. YUMMY!

"Today is, where your book begins...the rest is still unwritten."

Summer Theme Songs Playlist:
2006 - Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield
2005 - Day One - Sarah Slean
2004 - Summer Sunshine - The Corrs
2003 - Soak Up the Sun - Sheryl Crow
2002 - I'm Alive - Celine Dion
2001 - Centre of the Heart - Roxette
2000 - Summer Fling - K.D. Lang
1999 - Livin' La Vida Loca - Ricky Martin
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 2:12 PM | link | 1 comments |

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Busy streets, quiet peace
Sunshine and sidewalk grime
Smiling faces from newborn spring
Endless possibilities for the approaching summer

Gangsters and grey-haired ladies walk side by side
No real destination or purpose ...
Just to live and walk
Today, life gets no better

Homeless folk with designer shoes have no trouble making a living today
The sun has made the homeful generous
Coffee cups overflow with silver
And happy exchanges make social class disappear for a moment

Sandals and mini skirts breathe the fresh air
After a long winter in storage closets
Sun glasses hide the smiling eyes of strangers acting like family

Brown and shriveled trees stretch hopefully to the sky
The sun arouses every hidden bud
Seeds bounce beneath the soil,
Wakening from dreams of their own coming beauty

The "ugly" birds scavenge for scraps
Their sad faces show they know the coming of robins and butterflies
A beauty pageant of winged-creatures begins
The grey and black birds cry for their winter to return

Laughter and idle chatter bounces off every stone and wooden wall along this street -
A road named for the season that starts today

On day one, the people walk this road and breathe new life
The lightness of their steps tells a tale of hope...
Hope for fresh starts and a brand new season

by R.H. (03/21/06)
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 4:54 PM | link | 1 comments |


Great time at Andrew's place last night! Got drunk on cosmopolitans and even drunker on Stephen's "Cosmobukas!" We held a short mass and I gave out Holy Communion - "body of Christ Andrew." Note for the next party: someone buy Patrick a sippy cup please! Danced in the living room, Matt gave everyone a demonstration of his favourite sexual positions using ME as his helper ... eat your heart out Marcus! Oops, we caused Andrew's bed to collapse! Went to Menz bar (why I don't know) and ran into a few of my BESTEST BUDS! Danced to Madge and then decided Menz Bar SUCKED! 8 of us piled into Matt's jeep to head back to Andrew's, stopped in the middle of the road as the cops drove by. Wait, who is that trying to get in the jeep? Oh no, it's Q-DOT ... DRIVE MATT, DRIVE! Looks like there'll be 9 of us! Back at Andrew's and Q-DOT decides to pretend to take a nap so he can make his way up stairs later... I'll have none of it. Matt thinks we should circumcise Q-DOT with a steak knife ... I think we should smash a lemon on his head. Time to go to bed Andrew and time for Q-DOT to quit pretending he's asleep ... the door is datta way! Back home for some Michelina's Mac & Cheese and some Motrin...

Oh, what a night. So glad Anne decided to come out of the closet!

Quotes from the night:
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 4:27 PM | link | 1 comments |

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Totally freaking out... I was just looking through a Madonna news site and realized that one of the shirts I bought in Chicago is almost the exact same as the one Madge wore in the Papa Don't Preach Video. I'm a SUPER STAR! Or wait a minute, should I be wearing something that resembles women's clothing from the early 80s? Jeff did tell me I'm one of the few people who can pull off horizontal stripes ... but maybe he was just being polite. Oh well, who cares ... if it's good enough for Madge, it's good enough for me!

:: posted by Ray of Delight, 4:27 PM | link | 0 comments |

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I would like for you all to meet my new future husband, Mr. JD Fortune. Ooooh those hips, that stomach, those lips, that hair and that voice. He oooozes sex and drips hotness. And man oh man can that boy sing!

In all seriousness, I had forgotten how many great songs INXS has, and JD definitely gives them new life. The show opened with a counting clock ticking down the minutes and seconds to the bands appearance... it really got the anxious crowd all rilled up. And then the curtain fell and we saw the band standing on the most brightly lit stage I've ever witnessed. A silver glittery curtain was the backdrop and his hotness was standing, legs spread eagle in a hot red shirt, black jacket and tight black velvet pants, sunglasses on and a lit cigarette in his mouth! From that moment on I was in love ... well, in lust, but you get the picture. I thought I wouldn't know the songs, but the INXS oldies, Pretty Vegas, & Afterglow made up the set list along with only a few I didn't recognize that came from the new album. I'd say my favourite part of the show (other than when he simulated masturbating while lying on his back and the four or five times he put his hands down his pants) was when he did a rendition of Amazing Grace with the two diva back up singers. He dedicated it to his "Papa" ... did I mention I LOVE HIM?!

He showed some real pride for his home province when he took a NS flag from the crowd and regularly waved it in the air, danced with it down the back of his pants and rubbed it on his crotch. GOD BLESS NOVA SCOTIA and may FORTUNE shine upon ME!

:: posted by Ray of Delight, 11:04 PM | link | 1 comments |

WarHOL Me!

I had this pic taken during a trip to Chicago in April for a conference. I attended a reception at the Contemporary Museum of Art where an Andy Warhol collection was on display titled, "Celebrities, Deaths and Disasters." The art was amazing, especially his paintings of Marilyn Monroe and Elizabeth Taylor. However, I was mesmerized by his car crash works - a collection of paintings he did from pictures ithat appeared in newspapers in the 60s of car crashes; some with dead bodies still inside or lying on the ground. So very morbid and gruesome, but no one could take their eyes off of them.

Wolfgang Puck catered the event and the food was just amazing. On the way out the door they gave us our "Warholized" pictures as a momento of the evening along with a cute frame. And just when I thought that the night could not get any better, while walking to our next reception, who do I see but NATE BERKUS talking to two beautiful girls while standing outside a swanky Chicago restaurant waiting to get in a cab. I was going to scream but thought the better of it at the last moment. I may have a new hate on for Oprah but Nate should not suffer for that! It was a night to remember, no doubt about it!

:: posted by Ray of Delight, 4:47 PM | link | 0 comments |


It was only a little over a month ago when I swore on all that was holy and good that I would NEVER keep any kind of record of my thoughts again. I won't go into an explanation of why as most of you know the reason and would probably agree that I should stick to my conviction. And yet, here I am typing out my thoughts that I'm sure someone, someday, somehow will take and use against me. Under other circumstances, I would sound somewhat conceipted and self-important by saying that, but anyone who knows me and recent fiasco I like to call "Journalgate," would have to agree that for me, journal keeping of ANY kind is just NOT a good idea. Keeping records of our thoughts and feelings, who EVER said that was a good idea in the first place? I'll tell you who - OPRAH WINFREY!

Time and time again I listened to that billionaire bitch talk to me about finding my spirit through journal keeping. "Write down your thoughts," she said. "Write down your dreams because that will take you one step closer to making those dreams come true." Blah, blah, f*cking blah! She failed to mention that if you write down your private thoughts, then you are actually keeping a record of them and that someone could someday read your private thoughts and your life would be turned upside down. Just think about it folks and put it all in perspective. If you write down your private thoughts and create a record of them, they are, by definition, NO LONGER PRIVATE! This is NOT rocket science, and yet Oprah and her brain washing powers led me and so many other people, I'm sure, to start keeping a journal. How many lives has she ruined I wonder. How many people have had their inner most thoughts and feelings discovered by another person and their whole lives turned upside down as a result. I bet we'll never see an episode on her show about THESE people ! I bet we'll never hear her talk about the "thousands of letters" she's received from those journal keepers whose lives she's ruined!

Once upon a time I thought Oprah was the living end. I would quote her constantly and try and incorporate her wisdom into my own life. WELL LOOK WHERE THAT GOT ME! So I'll enter into this new world of blogging, fully realizing this time around, the consequences that it may have. And although I blame you Oprah for causing the Journalgate scandal of 2006, I guess by typing this disclaimer, I have let you off the hook for when this new blog of mine comes back to bite me in the ass!
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 4:08 PM | link | 0 comments |


I'd like to dedicate this blog to the best blog dealer anyone could hope to ask for. Jeff, this would not have been possible without you! :-P

- R.
:: posted by Ray of Delight, 3:53 PM | link | 0 comments |


Wow.. I'm honoured. I'm Rocky's first... blogger. I'm sure he'll have lots of wonderful things to rant about. Keep checking back!

:: posted by Ray of Delight, 3:36 PM | link | 0 comments |